The People You Will Meet…

We meet many people in RV Parks who are traveling to National Parks or other points of interest. We’ve seen some interesting sights, too, including forests, beaches, historic towns, Churchill Downs, and even the new Sphere in Las Vegas. But what governs our travel is the people we meet and the invitations people extend to us. Unfortunately, we were invited to more places than we fit on this trip, but we are grateful for the connections we were able to make.

In the picture above, we are having lunch with good friends at Tupelo Honey in downtown Denver. They had just asked how I was dealing with some of the family relationships I’d lost in the past few years. While I miss people greatly who decided we were no longer worthy of their presence, I turned to put my hand on Sara’s arm and said, “I’m doing great because I have this!” They captured the moment in that photo.

While I still hold out hope that God’s healing in my extended family will continue to unfold, I have the treasure that makes every day a delight. Being with this woman, especially as God is righting the damage that was done to her in her childhood, has been the greatest joy of my life. The joy and laughter we share now make my heart sing and bring a smile to my face at every thought of her.

We don’t think of taking pictures of the people we are with, but they sometimes do and send us copies. Here are some of the engagements we’ve had with people on this trip that hold a wealth of memories. There are so many more for which we do not have pictures, rich conversations with old friends, or getting to know some new people Father put in our path.

No doubt, God’s family is a rich tapestry being woven together throughout the world. Here are some pictures that can give you a feel for what we experienced. And yes, there did seem to be a lot of food and laughter involved, as well as deep tears and open hearts.



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